Today, 10th March 2020, the World Animal Protcetion (Africa office) launched the 2020 Animal Protection Index (API) which ranks 50 countries according to their animal welfare policy and legislation. The API shows that many countries do not adequately protect animals in their legislations: for instance, it is still legal to subject farm animals to the worst forms of confinement and to exploit animals for entertainment in many countries.
Self-cleaning plastic surfaces that repel drug resistance bacteria
• Scientists at the McMaster University, School of Biomedical Engineering have developed a flexible antibacterial plastic wrap that could help prevent the spread of foodborne illness when used to package raw chicken and other meats.
Should you or not share your data?
Sharing your data also makes your data more able to be tested by other scientists, validated, reused by other scientists. Doing this makes your work more credible, because it makes it more reproducible.
Dumpsites and rivers acting as a conveyor belt of Antimicrobial resistance
One of the observations the team at KEMRI made was that unlike in the past, the emergence of cholera was becoming more pronounced and new outbreaks coming in drier times of the year unlike in the past.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
GMOs are unreliable from a scientific point of view, inefficient in economic terms and environmentally unsustainable. Little is known about them from a health perspective and from a technical standpoint they are obsolete.
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