We undertake multidisciplinary studies to generate evidence-based data and insights. This informs the development and improvement of interventions that address interconnected health issues. Our team of experts is committed to producing high-quality, relevant, and timely research to inform policy and practice.

Spanning research on One Health comparative oncology, zoonotic diseases, and food systems mapping.


At Transdisciplinary Consultants Ltd. (TCL), our research goes beyond conventional boundaries. It stands as a testament to our commitment to an evidence-based, integrated One Health approach that encompasses human, animal, and environmental health. This unique lens allows us to weave a rich tapestry of research, bridging disciplines and applying robust methodologies to deliver actionable insights and sustainable solutions.

Our research spans the breadth and depth of the One Health spectrum. We delve into the genomes of organisms, such as our pioneering work on the Caenorhabditis bovis genome, expanding the understanding of animal health and the intricate role it plays in the broader health ecosystem. Our investigation into the fast-evolving chicken meat system in Nairobi, examining the prevalence and risk factors of Campylobacter, a zoonotic pathogen of global importance, underscores our commitment to safeguarding public health through the study of food systems.

Further, our mapping of Nairobi’s dairy food system provides a crucial analysis for policy, industry, and research. It illustrates our dedication to shedding light on the socio-economic intricacies of food production and distribution, guiding efforts to bolster food security, and promoting health in our communities.

Our comparison of human and canine cancers in Nairobi showcases our efforts in comparative research. By drawing parallels between human and animal diseases, we bring to the fore the interconnectivity of health across species, ultimately strengthening our strategies in disease prevention and treatment.

The broad spectrum of our research reaffirms our belief in the power of a holistic, transdisciplinary approach. By acknowledging the intertwined nature of human, animal, and environmental health, we are better equipped to develop strategies that enhance the wellbeing of all life on our shared planet.

Every research endeavor at TCL reflects our core principle: sustainable health solutions come from understanding the interconnectedness of the world we live in. Through our comprehensive research efforts, we aim to generate insights that empower individuals, influence policy, and inspire transformative change towards a healthier and more sustainable world.


Our work in comparative oncology aims to provide comparative information on cancers affecting humans and animals. Our initial findings published in the International Journal of One Health provided an initial baseline of common cancers affecting both humans and dogs in Nairobi, Kenya and further infer that developing joint animal-human cancer registries and integrated cancer surveillance systems may lead to accelerated detection of the risks of cancer in Africa. Reach us if you are interested in collaboration to explore how animals can be sentinels and models for human cancer as well as participate in the Global Initiative of Veterinary Cancer Surveillance.

Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Stevens, L., Rooke, S., Falzon, L. C., Machuka, E. M., Momanyi, K., Murungi, M. K., . . . Blaxter, M. (2019). The genome of Caenorhabditis bovis. bioRxiv, 766857. doi:10.1101/766857
  • Carron, M., Chang, Y. M., Momanyi, K., Akoko, J., Kiiru, J., Bettridge, J., . . . Hasler, B. (2018). Campylobacter, a zoonotic pathogen of global importance: Prevalence and risk factors in the fast-evolving chicken meat system of Nairobi, Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 12(8), e0006658. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0006658
  • Kiambi, S., Alarcon, P., Rushton, J., Murungi, M. K., Muinde, P., Akoko, J., Aboge, G., Gikonyo, S., Momanyi, K., Kang’ethe, E. K. & Fèvre, E. M.  (2018). Mapping Nairobi’s dairy food system: An essential analysis for policy, industry and research. Agricultural Systems, 167, 47-60. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2018.08.007
  • Momanyi, N. K., Korir, R. A., & Mutiga, R. E. (2016). One Health and cancer: A comparative study of human and canine cancers in Nairobi. International Journal of One Health, 2, 42-57. doi:10.14202/ijoh.2016.42-57

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