What is cancer? Is cancer contagious? Can cancer be inherited?

Feb 12, 2020Cancer

What is cancer?

Cancer happens when the cells in our body start to grow and divide out of control. This makes it hard for the body to work the way it should.


Cells are the smallest unit of the human body. They carry out all the functions necessary for life. Cells are usually too small to be seen with the naked eye.

There are many types of cancer. Some cancers grow and spread fast. Others grow more slowly. They also respond to treatment in different ways.


What are the most common cancers in men and women in Kenya?


Cancer can start in almost any part of the body. The most common cancers in Kenya are:

Prostate, Oesophagus, Kaposi sarcoma, Stomach, Colorectum

Cervix, Breast, Oesophagus, Stomach, Kaposi Sarcoma



Cancer is not a death sentence. Cancer is a serious disease but it can be treated well for many people

What is metastasis?

Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. For instance, cancer cells in the lung can travel to the  ones and grow there. When cancer cells spread from the original site, it is called metastasis. When lung cancer spreads to the bones, it’s still called lung cancer. It’s not called bone cancer unless it started in the bones.

What causes cancer?

We don’t know what causes all cancers, but we know that certain things called “risk factors” affect your chance of getting some cancers.

Some risk factors for cancer can be changed and others can’t. Risk factors that can’t be changed include your age, sex, and family history.

Things that can be changed are things you do, such as whether you use tobacco or drink alcohol, what you eat, how much you exercise, and how much sun you get. Other risk factors are linked to things in the environment that cause cancer.

But having a risk factor, or even many risk factors, doesn’t mean that you’ll get cancer. And some people who get cancer may have few or no known risk factors.

Cancer is NOT caused by witchcraft or any form of supernatural force.

Modifiable risk factors means you can take measures to change them.

Can cancer be inherited?
Cancer is usually not inherited. It is not passed from parent to child the same way that height and HIV are.

Cancer is caused by changes in the way cells divide. With some cancers, abnormal cells can be inherited from one’s parents. In such families, more than one person may get the same cancer.

Is cancer contagious?
Cancer is NOT contagious. You CANNOT “catch” cancer from someone who has it through things like kissing, touching, sharing meals, or breathing the same air. However, some infections that can increase your risk of developing cancer can be spread from person to person. 
Infections and cervical cancer

Some infections such as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can also increase your risk of cancer. Cervical cancer is linked to HPV, which can be spread through sex. HPV is a very common infection and in mostcases it goes away without treatment. Having  HPV does not mean you will get cancer, but it can increase your risk of developing it.

However, cervical cancer itself is not contagious, and can be easily prevented if caught early through regular screening. A vaccine is also available to prevent certain types of HPV, and it is recommended for preteen girls aged 9 to 12 in Kenya.


Important note

Please keep in mind that this information is not meant to replace the advice of your doctor or nurse. Talking with them is the best way to understand what’s going on with your body and how treatment will work.


Source of information

Information on this post is from the handbook, “What you need to know about cancer: a guide for patients and caregivers” developed by the Kenya Ministry of Health with technical support from The John Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and the American Cancer Society.


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